The Full Moon on March 7th is in the Nakshatra of Purva Phalguni which means “Fruit of Tree”  and it’s deity is Bhaga – the God of good fortune and it resides in the sign of Leo.   

This is where the power starts to come in now for your creative endeavours, this is where your zest for life and your goals can be found.   

If you go back to the full moons in Jan and Feb, the energies for what we have experienced on each of the full moon cycles so far this year has been creating this beautiful path for us.  The first full moon of the year was all about planting the seeds of what you want to birth this year and bringing in the light.   

Then February was about taking pause, looking at what you “planted” and reassessing if it was truly what you wanted and you were given an opportunity to adjust, pull out any weeds, or move things around, so you can align to your dharma. 

This full moon being in Leo is where the power comes in for manifestation.

During this time Venus and Jupiter are also together in Pisces – this is so powerful because Venus is exalted, and Jupiter is in its sign of rulership – so these planets couldn’t be stronger.    Together these planets represent creative talent and Self -expression, newness, expansion, and it brings in the full power energy for whatever you have been wanting to manifest and create, don’t wait any longer, this is the time…. Fulfill your destiny.   

You have the power to create and manifest what you want, this is the turning point to start receiving the abundance the universe has in store for you. 

A sneak peak for this month –  Mars also goes into Gemini March 12th where secrets are going to start to be revealed in the world.  The answers for what we’ve been looking for are going to come to the forefront.   It’s going to be when you feel that you are in the driver’s seat again and your momentum is established again. 

Around the New Moon on March 21st some other planets start shifting signs again too, this will continue the feeling of things really starting to move forward in the right direction in your life.

+This is based on Vedic Astrology, to understand how it affects you directly you need to know where these signs sit in your birth chart.   If you would like a birth chart done, go to the jyotish section on my website +