Who is Anand + What is Sattva Yoga

Anand Mehrotra Australian Tour 2023
After our Sold-Out events in 2018/2019 – Anand Mehrotra – visionary Master Teacher, Thought leader, and Conscious entrepreneur, is coming back to Australia for a short tour in August 2023.
Born and raised in Rishikesh, India – the birthplace of yoga – Anand combines the ancient wisdom of his upbringing with a lighthearted rebelliousness to support the transcendence of the individual and the collective. Anand is the founder and Master Teacher of Sattva Yoga, a radically holistic, ever-evolving, transformational practice.
Anand teaches around the world giving wisdom talks, offering satsangs and meditations, providing Vedic astrology readings, leading Sattva Yoga journeys, and guiding students through profound transformations in wisdom immersions, retreats, and trainings. Anand is the founder of Sattva Yoga Academy, a premiere wellness destination situated in the Himalayas of Rishikesh, India and Sattva Yoga Academy for holistic learning.


ACCESS YOUR LIMITLESS POTENTIAL - Call in your inner power
Saturday August 12th — BONDI PAVILION – BONDI
We are often limited by our own self-doubt and fears, preventing us from reaching our full potential.
Within each of us is the power to access your limitless potential.
You’re invited to join Anand Mehrotra, Himalayan Master Teacher, for a day-retreat where he will guide you through the process and give you the key to unlocking this potential.
First we tap into the power of your breath through a Sattva Yoga Journey (Himalayan Breathwork, Kriya, Mantra practices) where we break through the barriers that hold you back and unleash the full force of our being.
We reconvene after a short break for a wisdom lecture on accessing your limitless potential; the whole day-retreat consists of 5 hours.
Imagine having the knowledge and the tools to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and live a life of true purpose and fulfilment.
Join us on a journey of self-discovery and transformation and experience the power of spending time with an enlightened Master.
Spaces are limited and offered on a first-come, first serve basis.
Early Bird Tickets – $159 – (Allocation exhausted)
Tickets – $199 – (SOLD OUT)

OPEN YOUR HEART – Become a Conduit of Love -
Sunday August 13th
The heart represents the centre of our emotional and spiritual being. It is through the heart that we connect with ourselves and others, and it is the source of our capacity to love.
You’re invited to join Anand Mehrotra, Himalayan Breathwork Master Teacher, for a day-retreat where he will enliven your capacity to open your heart and guide you in becoming a conduit of love.
Through a powerful heart opening Sattva Yoga practice (Himalayan Breathwork, Yoga, Kriya, Mantra) you will learn to connect with the love that resides within you and cultivate a deep sense of compassion and empathy for others.
We reconvene after a short break for a wisdom lecture with Anand where he will speak on becoming more attuned to the energy of love.
Anand will share his knowledge around heart centred love and making your relationships become more fulfilling, your interactions more meaningful, and your outlook on life more positive.
Join us on this journey of self-discovery and learn to become a conduit of love, spreading joy and positivity wherever you go.
This day-retreat is 5 hours in duration, spaces are limited and offered on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Early Bird Tickets – $159 (SOLD OUT )
Tickets – $199 – MORE TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE – New Venue –

live an integrate life through source intelligence
Tuesday August 22nd – 5pm – 9pm
This is the final event of Anand’s Australian 2023 tour and the last opportunity to experience a direct transmission from Anand, a living master, here in Australia.
You’re invited to join Anand Mehrotra, Himalayan Master Teacher, for an evening workshop where we tap into the power of breath through a Sattva Yoga Journey (Himalayan Breathwork, Kriya, Mantra practices) we break through any barriers of our hearts, mind, being to access the inner wisdom to live an integrated life through source intelligence.
We reconvene after a short break for an interview wisdom style talk with Anand and Kimberley Joseph.
Imagine having the knowledge and the tools to achieve your goals, overcome obstacles, and live a life of true purpose and fulfilment.
Join us on this last Australian event to go journey of self-discovery, self acceptance and transformation and experience the power of spending time with a living enlightened Master.
Spaces are limited and offered on a first-come, first serve basis. There will also be an opportunity for book signing and to meet Anand at the end of the talk. A wonderful, personal and beautiful moment to experience and cherish.
Early Bird Tickets – $159 (SOLD OUT )
Tickets – $199

living a life of purpose Retreat - byron bay - Aug 16th - 20th
CURRENTLY SOLD OUT – Join the waitlist
Over 5 days, Anand will guide us to understand what is Dharma. What is our purpose in life. Often times people are overwhelmed with this question of what am I here to do. Am I fulfilling my purpose? It can be the biggest burden we carry in our lives… what is my purpose?
Each day will be filled with ancient practices coming from the Himalayan Kundalini tradition. We will be initiated into meditation, practice yoga, kriya, mantra, daily wisdom sessions, and evenings around the fire to share music, poetry, and connections with the community to guide us back to our true purpose.

Who is Anand?
Anand Mehrotra, is a rebel and his teachings are radical, they teach how to break the limits of ones mind to access the freedom and ecstasy of life.
He was born in Rishikesh, one of the most sacred towns in India, on a full moon night and grew up on the lap of his Guru, which allowed him to live and experience the yogic life early on.
He has lived in ashrams, and meditated in caves throughout the Himalayas, he has studied the ancient tradition of yoga and Vedic philosophy with many gurus and teachers since a very young age. His brilliant intelligence and curiosity for the nature of reality has inspired him for years to move throughout India on a quest to learn the most powerful and authentic practices, studying with mystics and learning the sacred and secret rituals and traditions.
At the age of 22 he had his first Satori experience, also called Samadhi or experience of unity consciousness, which shifted the course of his life. From that moment, he began traveling the world to teach and share the realizations he had with others who are seeking evolution.
Anand Mehrotra’s teachings are extraordinary and innovative, he comes from the most pure ancient lineage background of teachings but he interprets them in a unique and modern expression sharing them in a language accessible to the age we are living. He is a visionary and change maker. His teachings today, after more than 15 years of sharing, have arrived to many people in the world, including Hollywood celebrities, politicians, CEO’s of international companies, and world leaders. He is now focusing on creating a global community of yogis and teachers of Sattva Yoga, an extraordinary transformative and life changing practice which he founded.
What is Sattva Yoga?
Sattva means purity in Sanskrit. Sattva Yoga is a holistic, dynamic, all inclusive, expansive and ever-evolving practice that combines asana, pranayama, meditation, kriya and wisdom. The intention for Sattva Yoga is to give you a journey beyond the time bound self/ego and enter the space of transcendence. Each class is specially woven together through kriya, hatha, kundalini, etc to allow for the individual to create a pure, divine experience for oneself. Sattva Yoga inspires students to experience freedom, radical aliveness and offers students more than just a physical practice, it is an invitation to the Self.
Sattva Yoga is about going beyond the body/mind centered consciousness, the mundane ways of being and journeying into the most authentic Self. We aspire to connect to the divine, practice like master’s, rise above a life driven by our emotions and truly become a master of one’s own energy. Sattva Yoga is non-competitive. We practice self-compassion, non-judgement, and ease while finding our own edge and breathe. The desire is to allow your Sattva Journey to be of transformation and freedom.
Anand teaches around the world giving wisdom talks, offering satsangs and meditations, providing Jyotish (Vedic astrology) readings, leading Sattva Yoga journeys, and guiding students through profound transformations in wisdom immersions, retreats, and trainings. Anand is the founder of Sattva Retreat, a premiere wellness destination situated in the Himalayas of Rishikesh, India and Sattva Yoga Academy for holistic learning.
He is also the founder of Sattva Connect. Anand leads two non-profits, The Khushi Charitable Society and Sattva Foundation. He has launched several businesses based on sustainable practices and supporting the communities in which they participate. Anand is featured in the award-winning documentary, The Highest Pass, based on his teachings. He has also been featured in many international publications.